Sports farm

A bit of clean air

Agriturismo Serine is a Sports Farm, since May 2016.

The project “Sports Farm” wants to bring athletics and all fitness activities from city to countrysid, in a natural environment, but at the same time structured, promoting hospitality, products and services of farm. At the heart of the project there are the so called “smart routes”: training tracks in the countryside, where you can run or walk in places in which agri-foodstuffs culture is the norm, discovering what are and how are produced all those foods, essential for a balanced and healthy diet, both for the professional athlete and for who takes some exercise for the pleasure to feel good.

Do you like fitness, nature and good food?

In the gallery you can find some photos of Vittorio Brandi, apulian torchbearer at the summer Olympic Games of London in 2012 and the winter ones of Pyongchang in 2018; our dear friend and man symbol of the values of sport in the social sphere, intervened during the inauguration of the Sports Farm.

The activities that may take place will be of two types:

  • Aerobic activities (Walking, Jogging, Running)
  • Body exercises (Light Gym and Pilates)

 Guests staying will have free:

  • A floor mat for floor exercises
  • All farm spaces and equipment
  • The description of the exercises to be performed independently.

Check Availabity

1 Room , 1 Adult , 0 Children